Optimise in store execution for greater sales success - find out exactly what's happening at the point of sale, fast enough to make a difference.
Real Time Retail Intelligence.
Get in store photos and instant feedback on listing and stock levels, facings, share, pricing and promotions for you and your competitors.
Mystery Shopping.
Benchmark service levels, quality of communications, product quality and store environments within hours, not weeks.
Custom Location Information.
Need customised information from a specific location fast? SmartRocket is ready for launch...
Real time information
Watch audits complete in real time. Access data immediately. Run and export your own reports.
Insights & updates

New Service: Where are the missing sales for your brand?
With diversified distribution channels nowadays, it becomes more difficult to gain visibility across all channels that sell your products, especially emerging channels (e.g. parallel import retailers or online retailers) or general trade. You may have a higher degree of confidence in sales data for some channels, but there may be uncertainty or simply no data at all for others. This […]
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Retail Case: Immediate New Sales through Improved Distribution
SmartRocket Universe Check: Check your own and competitive product listing in a complete, up to date universe of EVERY STORE in your target channel. Identify every store that could potentially stock your products but currently does not. Identify stores where your retail execution is below standard. Improve the breadth and quality of your distribution to drive immediate sales gains. Get a […]
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