Optimise in store execution for greater sales success - find out exactly what's happening at the point of sale, fast enough to make a difference.
Real Time Retail Intelligence.
Get in store photos and instant feedback on listing and stock levels, facings, share, pricing and promotions for you and your competitors.
Mystery Shopping.
Benchmark service levels, quality of communications, product quality and store environments within hours, not weeks.
Custom Location Information.
Need customised information from a specific location fast? SmartRocket is ready for launch...
Real time information
Watch audits complete in real time. Access data immediately. Run and export your own reports.
Insights & updates

Boubaker Hammou, Digitisation of Health Activities & Services
SmartRocket Africa Please introduce yourself. My name is Boubaker Hammou. I am the CEO of SmartRocket Africa and the founding partner of International Marketing Services. I’m Algerian and Canadian. After graduating as a Medical Doctor from the University of Algiers, I briefly worked in the private sector before immigrating to Canada to pursue an MSc in Applied Nutrition at the […]
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Can you better manage pricing in Open/ General Trade stores?
Understanding how your products are priced in General/ Open Trade locations is not always easy – there is often wide variation in prices across individual stores, prices may not be marked and getting reliable, verifiable data from these stores may be a challenge in itself. None the less, GT/OT location pricing audits provide valuable insight into current sales performance and […]
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Are brand recommendation & store environment helping (or hurting) sales?
Understanding what a customer experiences while they are in store can provide valuable insights into current sales performance and how this might be improved. Mystery Shopping provides an effective tool for benchmarking and tracking recommendation levels for your brands and how well particular locations deliver against customer expectations. Brand versus Store focused mystery shopping 100% audio recording & supporting imagery […]
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